Heriot-Watt Waves & Fields Group - People

The Heriot-Watt Waves and Fields group is led by Prof. Alan Greenaway and currently employs post-doc researcher Dr David Foo, and final year PhD student Graham Craik.

Over the years the team has had many members, from long term post-docs to undergraduate summer students, all of whom have contributed to the success of our research. These past members and their contributions are acknowledged in our Alumni section.


If you would like to join our team, we'd like to hear from you! Watch this website for news of upcoming job vacancies. You can also use the contact form to enquire about opportunities within the group.

HWWAF Group Photo 2004

Heriot-Watt Waves & Fields Group 2004
clockwise from left: Stephanie Fournier, David Faichnie, Vincent Mourai, Alan Greenaway, Frank Spaan, Sijiong Zhang, Anne-Marie Johnson, Heather Dalgarno, Clare Dillon, Ruby Raheem

Meet the team

Use the links below to view the biographies of all our current group members, and alumni.

Group Leader:

Research Associates:

PhD/EngD Students: